Tuesday 3 April 2012

The perfect girl for Sirius Black!

As some people may know, there has been a big speculation about why JK Rowling did not give Sirius Black a love interest. I respect JK Rowling by not giving every single person a love interest, because then it gives us a chance to fill in the blanks to our liking.

First of all, I think that giving Sirius a lovey-dovey relationship with someone completely ruins Sirius Black's personality! I never could imagine him falling desperately in love and falling to his knees for a girl, much like James did with Lily. I would imagine Sirius would act all cool and hot around her and demand a date from her. Of course, I believe he would have found true love, if he hadn't have died, but he would not beg for her. Even if the girl constantly refuses, no girl can keep turning down Sirius Black!

Around forums and fanfictions, you will find many descriptions of Sirius's perfect girl. Although I would never imagine true love to be your perfect mate (For example: Do you really think James imagined falling in love with a girl like Lily; Smart, Good, Sweet, Red Hair, Green Eyes?), I have got a description:

She would most likely be muggle-born, as it would annoy his parents more than a half or pure blood. Most definitely Gryffindor, because I cannot imagine him falling in love with any other house. Probably in his year or a year older, with a good sense of humor and a killer body. She would be quite rebellious with reasonably good marks. Probably a powerful witch, because Sirius would always want the best. For some reason, I always imagined her with Blonde hair and an innocent sort of look, but has a feisty unicorn waiting to burst out of her. And, I imagine her with some sort of funny, kooky, bad-ass quirk that makes her really cool.

Now, as much as I would love to be describing me as Sirius's perfect girl, I am nothing like what i have described up there! Nothing!

It is sad that Sirius never fell in love before his untimely death, but, luckily, he must have had some sort of romance in his school years. I mean, what is Hogwarts here for?


  1. I love your idea of Sirius's perfect match. I was hoping you wouldn't mind me using a bit of that for her character in this fanfic I'm writing. I don't know if I will ever post it anywhere, or ever even finish it, but I thought it would be right to ask before committing to it.
    It's not a story about Sirius, but I needed to have a good wife or girlfriend for him (since I really doubt he's gay). The story I am writing is an AU, you see, as in a What if there wasn't a chosen one and Dumbledore defeated Voldey before Harry even started school? It's actually about a Slytherin girl who hates bullies, but I digress.
    Would it be okay if I used this character description? I wouldn't feel comfortable using it without your okay, and if I don't I think Sirius might just end up a lonely-bit-of-a-man-whore-bachelor.

    1. Of course you can :D just make sure you tell me if you ever publish it x
