Wednesday 4 April 2012

1+1= ... Broomstick?

When you think about it, muggle-borns are sort of lucky. They get to go to muggle School and learn all of the basics of the muggle world, and then get to learn all about the wizarding world instead of continuing with muggle things. They know both worlds like the back of their hand when they are 17!

When you think about it, how did Pure-bloods and Half-bloods get their basic education? Maybe Half-blood children were sent to muggle primary school (seems unfair, though!), but what did the other half and pure bloods do? How did all of the young witches and wizards not born into muggle families get all of their basic knowledge?

Well, that answer has never been answered by JK Rowling. Maybe magical parents hired tutors for their children so they could learn how to read, write and count. Maybe they taught their children themselves. Or, maybe, there is a secret wizard primary school we don't know about!

I wonder what they would learn about? Maths? History? English? They would probably learn the basics of the wizarding world like those muggles (and muggle-borns like us) learnt about the reigns of the muggle world. Like money, language, shops, transportation and the general history. They would obviously learn about Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort.

I wish I went to wizard primary!

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